How to develop creative teams > Lucidity innovation animal

How to develop creative teams

Find out your innovation animal!

Has anyone ever tried to help you be more creative by asking you to ‘think outside the box?’ I suspect that putting you under pressure to just switch on your creativity wasn’t particularly successful. Has anyone ever asked you what your innovation animal is?

Back in the 1970’s a psychologist called Donald MacKinnon conducted lengthy research into creativity. He found that creativity is not a talent as such, but more a way of operating – a state of mind. He found that creativity flourished when people are in, what he described as a ‘playful’ state.

So when you are summoning up your own creative juices, or encouraging others, asking them to think outside the box, isn’t as effective as making time for and encouraging play, humour, laughter and fun.

Do you play and have fun at work?

For most of us there is a perception that to be doing work you have to be at your desk ‘being busy’ and time to play, muse and reflect appears to be wasting time. The irony is, the playtime is when you are at your most creative. That’s when the best ideas are percolating.

With this in mind we’ve been having some fun of our own figuring out some ways to help you get into a creative mindset. We’ve developed a tool that you can have some fun with and it has also been designed to help you work together better and make your good ideas happen.

What’s your innovation animal?

It’s the innovation animal quiz. Thirteen questions in 3 minutes. Perhaps you are a bison, patient, inquisitive and candid, or a penguin who is organized, considerate and charming. Take the quiz and you get a one-page summary of your innovation animal traits delivered straight to your inbox.

We developed the innovation animal quiz to be playful and it is also designed to help your team innovate and make your creative ideas a reality. If you understand your own innovation style and preferences and the style and preferences of your team, you can play to each others strengths. Creativity and innovation is a team sport and the best ideas happen when they are shared and build on together.

If you would like to know more about developing your creative capacity, innovation animals, and how to improve your teams performance, do get in touch

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