Team day facilitation > Lucidity

Team day facilitation

Let Lucidity take the stress and headache away from your next team away day.

Flexible, remote and hybrid working has many advantages. The downside is that building relationships and connecting teams takes more deliberate hard work than when everyone was in the same place everyday.

When teams have strong relationships and the opportunity to learn together and problem-solve they make faster progress and make a greater impact.

High performing teams know, like and trust each other. They respect their differences and play to their strengths to get the job done. This doesn’t happen by accident. Leaders of high performing teams listen to what their team needs, they invest in their teams learning and development and they lead by example.

Creating and nurturing a high performing team, requires thought and effort, whether your team is face to face or online.  At Lucidity we’ve been facilitating online meetings, away days and training for years.


Let Lucidity take the stress and headache away from your next team away day.

An independent facilitator will design your day to incorporate different learning needs and free you up to be an active participant. Lucidity designs and facilitates workshops and team strategy days to build relationships, solve problems, and think both creatively and strategically about business development and planning.

How Lucidity team day design and facilitation works

We take the brief from you. Then we design and deliver your team day based on what we both agree success looks like, for example that might be developing a business plan or strategy, connecting, motivating and inspiring teams that might be feeling stuck or celebrating successes at the end of a project.

“If you want a team day that is fun, engaging, thought-provoking and, importantly, delivers on your business strategy, ask Lucy”

Your next steps 

If you’re considering getting your team together and want to leverage the very maximum out of your time together – get in touch today. Email me at 

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